1. Fumigation Service:
Fumigation is an advanced control technique to control stored product insect infestation in stored commodities. Fumigation is an act of introducing a toxic gas in an enclosed space in such a manner that it disperses quickly and kill all stages egg, larva, pupa and adult of target insects. The most common chemicals used and registered as fumigants in Thailand are Methyl Bromide, Eco2fume and Aluminum Phosphide. Use of fumigants are restricted by Department of Agriculture, Thailand and applied by licensed operators.
Why we need fumigation:
A. Stored Product Insects
- Cigarette Beetle: Lasioderrna serricorne
- Red Flour Beetle: Tribolium castaneum
- Lesser Grain Borer: Rhyzopertha dominica
- Saw-toothed grain beetle : Oryzaephilus surinamensis Linnaeus
- Rice Weevil: Sitophilus oryzae
- Flat Grain Beetle: Cryptolestes pusillus
- Indian Meal Moth: Plodia interpunctella
- Rice Moth: Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton)
- Angoumois grain moth: Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier)
B. Insect related to wooden packaging
- Wood borers

Innovative Pest Management Fumigation Standards: Innovative Pest Management with its 50+ strong workforce consisting more than 15 technically qualified managers and officers, able to provide various kindly of fumigation jobs country wide as per DOA, ISPM 15 and AFAS standard. Innovative Pest Management fumigation team is dedicated to providing safe, reliable, quality service that reflects responsible stewardship of the environment and relies on the safe and proper execution of job on the ground as per Thai Government and international norms.
Innovative Pest Management have all required licenses to conduct various kind of fumigation works with methyl bromide and phosphine keeping high safety standard in mind. Member of the team are specially trained to execute fumigation jobs in difficult situation and having work at height and confined space trainings. Innovative Pest Management have their inhouse laboratory for stored product insect culture and analyze various stages during fumigation service execution.
Fumigation Service offered by Innovative Pest Management: Innovative Pest Management skilled team are able to provide various type of fumigation service with Methyl Bromide, Eco2fume and Aluminum Phosphide in all part of Thailand.
ISPM 15 Standard Fumigation of export shipment
The International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15, is set-up to prevent spread of quarantine pests associated with wooden packaging material from one country to another country. Our expert team is offering quality service as per this standard though out the country by using Methyl Bromide as per Department of Agriculture, Thailand regulations.

AFAS Standard Fumigation
In response to the high quarantine risk posed by ineffective fumigation treatments performed offshore, the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service AQIS, has developed AFAS (Australian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme). AFAS is designed to assist fumigators from Thailand and other countries to meet Australia’s quarantine requirements and maintain high standards of fumigation. Innovative Pest Management has registered and approved technical experts under AFAS training standard and executing services as per world’s best practices in Methyl Bromide fumigation.
Fumigation of Bulk/Stack Commodity
Innovative Pest Management experts are offering bulk/stack fumigation service to keep commodity free from insect pests and used such commodities by our customers with minimum or no loss. During fumigation we completely sealed bulk/stacks with tarpaulin sheets and put proper fumigant for certain period of time to kill all insect stages inside. By this method we are trying to protect commodities such as cereals, grains, spices, dried fruits, tobacco, tea, coffee etc. at exporter and importer warehouses.

Fumigation of export containers
Most of the containers need to be fumigated before export and our trained and qualified technicians execute this job in professional manner at your customer factory loading points, CFS and ICDs countrywide. The most commonly used gases in this fumigation process are methyl bromide and phosphine. Although both maintain the same level of effectiveness, methyl bromide is more frequently used in containers. After every container fumigation, we issue proper fumigation certificate which is accepted by all importing countries.

Fumigation of Vessel/Ship
Innovative Pest Management experts also provide loaded vessel/ship fumigation service in Thailand port or in transit with best practice and with globally agreed quality and safety standards. While executing such fumigation our team follow IMO (International Maritime Organization) recommendation for safe uses of pesticides in ship.

Fumigation of closed Space/Warehouse/Production Line
Innovative Pest Management is offering whole warehouse or production line fumigation by making structure air tight and put proper fumigant to kill all stages of insects in that particular premises. After a certain gas holding period our experts uses proper technique of ventilation and hand over premises to customer for their further after insuring no fumigant in premise by monitoring gas devices.

Fumigation of silos
Innovative Pest Management technicians have huge skill for various type of silo fumigation. Their expert team have developed its own phosphine generate system which is suitable for all siloes with “J-system”. The generator is equipped with proper recirculation system which help equal distribution of phosphine gas produced inside the generator chamber of phosphine generator.

2. Stored Products Monitoring Service:
Stored product insects can contaminate stored foods; cause increases in temperature, moisture, fatty acids, uric acids, and molds; and decrease weight, all of which can result in economic loss, regulatory penalties, customer rejection, and adverse consumer reaction. But the insects are often difficult to detect until populations build because of their small size and ability to live, feed, and breed within the product itself or in small cracks and crevices.
So, to over come these problems Innovative Pest Management offers Stored product insect monitoring service in which they use pheromone-based monitoring traps to attract target insect species. These Pheromone traps have been used for monitoring stored-product pests in a variety of stored food commodities and based on catch count on traps we can set-up proper control measures for particular stored product insect pest.

Benefits of Stored Product Monitoring service
- Provide round-the-clock monitoring against stored product insects.
- Target a defined area of a facility.
- Help pinpoint the location of an infestation.
- Reduce the amount of pesticide used for control by targeting the specific area to be treated and indicating when applications are necessary.
- Reduce the amount of product loss by early detection of insect activity.
- Reduce additional product inspection cost.
- Provide tools for evaluation of the pest management program.
- Our Professional team is capable to deliver different type of Fumigation services with Aluminium Phosphide, Methyl Bromide and Eco2Fume as per Department of Agriculture (DOA), Thailand and AFAS standard
- Innovative Pest Management team uses different type of pheramone traps to monitor stored product insects activities at customer premises which help them to keep insect infestation below Threshold limits.
- Our Entomologist team analysis customer samples and submit them key finding on insect / insect stages
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